

黄兆聪 副教授 硕士生导师



课题组   :翟亚教授课题组










1.   Liang, J.; Wang, F.; Chen, Q.; Wang, G.; Zhou, X.; Jiang, W.; Kou, Z.; Huang, Z.; Xu, Q.; Du, J.; You, B.; Zhai, Y., Investigation on interfacial effect of CoFeB/GaAs heterostructure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 855.

2.   Chen, Q.; Wang, R.; Huang, Z.; Yuan, S.; Wang, H.; Ma, L.; Wang, J., Two dimensional CrGa2Se4: a spin-gapless ferromagnetic semiconductor with inclined uniaxial anisotropy. Nanoscale 2021.

3.   Zhou, X.; Ning, J.; Chen, L.; Huang, Z.; He, L.; Tang, S.; Xu, Y.; Zhai, Y., Current-Direction-Dependent Depinning of Vortex Domain Walls in Permalloy Zigzag Nanowires. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2021, 57 (2).

4.   Wang, F.; Shen, W.; Tian, M.; Chen, Q.; Huang, Z.; Kou, C.; Liang, J.; Du, J.; Zhai, Y., Spin Dynamic Damping of Py Induced by Gd Capping. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2021, 57 (2).

5.   Chen, Q.; Ruan, X.; Yuan, H.; Zhou, X.; Kou, Z.; Huang, Z.; Xu, Y.; Zhai, Y., Interlayer transmission of magnons in dynamic spin valve structures (vol 116, 132403, 2020). Applied Physics Letters 2020, 117 (23).

6.   Tu, H.; Wang, J.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Qu, J.; Zheng, R.; Yuan, Y.; Liu, R.; Zhang, W.; You, B.; Du, J., Large anisotropy of magnetic damping in amorphous CoFeB films on GaAs(001). Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2020, 32 (33).

7.   Sun, L.; Ban, D.; Liu, E.; Li, X.; Peng, H.; Yao, Z.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Zhai, H., Effect of substrate temperature on antiphase boundaries and spin polarization of thin Fe3O4 film on Si (100). Thin Solid Films 2020, 693.

8.   Zhu, Y.; Kou, Z.; Chao, W.; Yuan, S.; Huang, Z.; Zhou, X.; Cao, L.; Zhai, Y.; You, B.; Du, J., An investigation on synthesis of Fe3O4@nSiO(2)@mSiO(2) hybrid particles and peroxidation. AIP Advances 2019, 9 (3).

9.   Zhang, W.; Wong, P. K. J.; Zhou, X.; Rath, A.; Huang, Z.; Wang, H.; Morton, S. A.; Yuan, J.; Zhang, L.; Chua, R.; Zeng, S.; Liu, E.; Xu, F.; Ariando; Chua, D. H. C.; Feng, Y. P.; van der Laan, G.; Pennycook, S. J.; Zhai, Y.; Wee, A. T. S., Ferromagnet/Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Interface with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (2), 2253-2261.

10. Chen, Q.; Yin, Y.; Yuan, H.; Zhou, X.; Huang, Z.; Du, J.; Zhai, Y., Effect of Dilute Rare-Earth Doping on Magnetodynamic Properties of Permalloy Films. IEEE Magnetics Letters 2019, 10.

11. Sun, L.; Zhang, W.; Wong, P. K. J.; Yin, Y.; Jiang, S.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Yao, Z.; Du, J.; Sui, Y.; Zhai, H., Anomalously large ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in the Gd/Cr/Fe film plane. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2018, 451, 480-486.

12. Huang, Z.; Chen, Q.; Jiang, S.; Dong, S.; Zhai, Y., Ab initio understanding of magnetic properties in Zn2+ substitution of Fe3O4 ultra-thin film with dilute Zn substitution. AIP Advances 2018, 8 (5).

13. Fan, W.; Fu, Q.; Qian, Q.; Chen, Q.; Liu, W.; Zhou, X.; Yuan, H.; Yue, J.; Huang, Z.; Jiang, S.; Kou, Z.; Zhai, Y., Investigation of magnetization dynamics damping in Ni80Fe20/Nd-Cu bilayer at room temperature. AIP Advances 2018, 8 (5).

14. Zhou, X.; Huang, Z.; Zhang, W.; Yin, Y.; Durrenfeld, P.; Dong, S.; Zhai, Y., Current-induced multiple domain wall motion modulated by magnetic pinning in zigzag shaped nanowires. AIP Advances 2017, 7 (5).

15. Yuan, H.; Zheng, J.-G.; Yin, Y.; Liu, E.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., Effect of Zn substitution in (111)-textured ZnxFe3-xO4 thin films on magnetization dynamics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 690, 369-375.

16. Tu, H. Q.; Liu, B.; Huang, D. W.; Ruan, X. Z.; You, B.; Huang, Z. C.; Zhai, Y.; Gao, Y.; Wang, J.; Wei, L. J.; Yuan, Y.; Xu, Y. B.; Du, J., Gilbert damping in CoFeB/GaAs(001) film with enhanced in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Scientific Reports 2017, 7.

17. Sun, L.; Yue, J.; Jiang, S.; Xu, Y.; Li, Q.; Chen, Q.; Zhou, X.; Huang, Z.; Yao, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Zhai, H., Influence of Cr layer thickness on the static and dynamic performances of Tb/Cr/Ni80Fe20 structure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 695, 1324-1328.

18. Yuan, H.; Liu, E.; Yin, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wong, P. K. J.; Zheng, J.-G.; Huang, Z.; Ou, H.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Q.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., Enhancement of magnetic moment in ZnxFe3-xO4 thin films with dilute Zn substitution. Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108 (23).

19. Huang, Z.; Liu, W.; Yue, J.; Zhou, Q.; Zhang, W.; Lu, Y.; Sui, Y.; Zhai, Y.; Chen, Q.; Dong, S.; Wang, J.; Xu, Y.; Wang, B., Enhancing the Spin-Orbit Coupling in Fe3O4 Epitaxial Thin Films by Interface Engineering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (40), 27353-27359.

20. Sun, L.; Zhang, W.; Wong, P. K. J.; Zhang, D.; Huang, Z. C.; Zhai, Y.; Kou, Z. X.; Du, J.; Sui, Y. X.; Zhai, H. R., Investigation of Saturation Magnetization and Damping in Tb/Cr/Fe Trilayers. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015, 51 (11).

21. Sun, L.; Han, Q.; Zhao, C.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y., Local magnetism in permalloy patterns by focused magneto-optic Kerr effect. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 2015, 32 (4), 492-497.

22. Liu, E.; Huang, Z.; Zheng, J.-G.; Yue, J.; Chen, L.; Wu, X.; Sui, Y.; Zhai, Y.; Tang, S.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., Texture induced magnetic anisotropy in Fe3O4 films. Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (17).

23. Kou, Z.; Liu, E.; Yue, J.; Sui, Y.; Huang, Z.; Zhang, D.; Wang, Y.; Zhai, Y.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., The magnetic properties of well-aligned nickel nanochains synthesized by magnetic field-induced assembly approach. Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 117 (17).

24. Huang, Z. C.; Yue, J. J.; Wang, J.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y. B.; Wang, B. P., Oscillatory Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Fe3O4/n-GaAs/Fe3O4 Junction. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015, 51 (11).

25. Huang, Z.; Meng, H.; Yuan, S.; Zhang, W.; Liu, E.; Zhang, D.; Kou, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Wang, B.; Zhai, H., Investigation on transformation of spindle-like Fe3O4 nanoparticles from self-assembling alpha-Fe2O3. Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 117 (17).

26. Huang, Z.; Chen, Q.; Zhai, Y.; Wang, J.; Xu, Y.; Wang, B., Oxygen vacancy induced magnetization switching in Fe3O4 epitaxial ultrathin films on GaAs(100). Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106 (18).

27. Huang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, Z.; Kou, Z.; Yuan, X.; Ren, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., Magnetic behaviors of Co1-xZnxFe2O4 nano-particles. Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 117 (17).

28. Zhang, W.; Wong, P. K. J.; Zhang, D.; Yuan, S. J.; Huang, Z. C.; Zhai, Y.; Wu, J.; Xu, Y. B., Magnetic anisotropies in epitaxial Fe3O4/GaAs(100) patterned structures. AIP Advances 2014, 4 (10).

29. Zhang, Y.; Zhang, D.; Wang, Y.-K.; Yin, Y.-L.; Huang, Z.-C.; Luo, C.; Zhai, Y., Demagnetizing factors in patterned CoNiFe films with rectangular elements. Chinese Physics B 2013, 22 (5).

30. Hu, X. F.; Wu, J.; Niu, D. X.; Chen, L.; Morton, S. A.; Scholl, A.; Huang, Z. C.; Zhai, Y.; Zhang, W.; Will, I.; Xu, Y. B.; Zhang, R.; van der Laan, G., Discontinuous properties of current-induced magnetic domain wall depinning. Scientific Reports 2013, 3.

31. Sun, L.; Wang, Y.; Yang, M.; Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y.; Du, J.; Zhai, H., Ferromagnetic resonance studies of Fe thin films with dilute heavy rare-earth impurities. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 111 (7).

32. Huang, Z. C.; Hu, X. F.; Xu, Y. X.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y. B.; Wu, J.; Zhai, H. R., Magnetic properties of ultrathin single crystal Fe3O4 film on InAs(100) by ferromagnetic resonance. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 111 (7).

33. Zhang, W.; Zhang, J. Z.; Wong, P. K. J.; Huang, Z. C.; Sun, L.; Liao, J. L.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y. B.; van der Laan, G., In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Fe3O4-based hybrid structures on GaAs(100). Physical Review B 2011, 84 (10).

34. Huang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Xu, Y.; Wu, J.; Thompson, S. M.; Holmes, S. N., Growth and magnetic properties of ultrathin single crystal Fe3O4 film on InAs(100). Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science 2011, 208 (10), 2377-2379.